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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Burglars enter Hepworth's House; Father John Hepworth thinks it's the "daughters".

This is a story you can chuckle about.  I can hear the dialogue now of Father yelling out to the daughter's of what the heck is going on and the daughter's asking the same thing of the brother what he is doing to make such an disturbance when all along there are burglars in the house. 

The headline in the Ogden newspaper is 
Burglars Frustrated.  In the Deseret New: 
Foiled Again. --

Last night the house of Mr. John Hepworth, on the lower part of East Temple Street, was entered by burglars, who after getting in opened the doors so as to provide egress in case of  emergency.  Mr. Hepworth was awakened on hearing them rummaging about. Thinking it was his daughters he called out and inquired what they were doing up and about at such an unseemly hour.  The girls in turn thought it was their brother and spoke, thinking they were addressing him.  While this colloquial battery was being fired the burglars rushed out of the house and escaped.  The police were communicated with, but of course nothing could be done, by the way of arresting the thieves.  Luckily the scoundrels were interrupted too early to enable them to carry anything away.