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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More on Fred Cashmore Kidgell

Utah Journal
12 March 1895
       One of my favorite searches is newspaper search.  It's arduous and very time consuming but, the results are very interesting and rewarding. Even a very small newspaper article can yield valuable clues on an ancestor and usually reveal's the character of the person.
      The following newspaper article is like having your car stolen in our day; Well almost, a car found today would not be sitting in front of your house.
     John Bullock was an older brother of Lily Jane and was visiting her and Fred when this happened:
     "Last Friday evening while John Bullock of Providence was visiting at  the residence of Mr. Fred Kidgell on Logan Island, some miscreant [troublemaker or worse] cut the strap by which the horse with which Mr. Bullock had come from Providence, was secured to a hitching post, and drove the animal away.  Fortunately the horse was gentle and well trained, and headed directly homeward, where the owner found it next morning.  This is not the first time that such a thing has happened in that neighborhood, and Mr. Kidgell is willing to pay a reasonable reward for the apprehension of the perpetrator, example may be made of him by the courts."    Way to go Fred.  Now if we only knew the 'rest of the story';  was the miscreant caught?

      Another newspaper article about Fred in 1929:
Logan Man Injured 
as Auto Leaves Road 
Logan, May 11---Fred C. Kidgell Sr., 55, of Logan sustained two broken ribs Friday morning when he drove his automobile off the highway to avoid crashing into a truck driven by Milton Thomas of Richmond and containing several children.  The accident occurred about three miles north of Smithfield when the truck driven by Thomas, attempted to pass another automobile on a curve.  To avoid colliding with the truck, Kidgell was forced to drive off the highway and into a borrow pit, causing his car to over turn.  He was brought to Logan for medical attention. 
      Another clipping from the local paper; 13 May 1929 stated:
Fred C. Kidgell, who had such a narrow escape from death last week when W. F. Jensen Company truck he was driving in Smithfield, overturned  when he had turned far to the road side in seeking to avoid striking a truck loaded with children attending the Health Day festivities, is reported as recovering nicely.  All who have seen the wreck wonder how he escaped death.

     Fred was thrown through the windshield hurting his head and broke several ribs.   From Fred's life history; Many of the children's parents came to the house to see him and thank him for what he had done.  
     Fred and Lily were good people; people you would love to have for a neighbor!  From the life history of Fred Sr.;

"One must realize that Fred C. Kidgell Sr. loved to cook and each Sunday he would send his children with trays of food to older neighbors.  Lily [Fred's daughter Stella Lily] would tell one day after delivering a tray to an elderly neighbor she reported to her father that they really shouldn't take food to this lady because she was sure that the food was thrown out the back door as soon as possible.  To this Fred said, "That is no problem.  We will keep taking food to her anyway."  Lily [mother] always had her children take trays of food to the older neighbors each Sunday; first they took the tray over to Grandmother Olsen and then when Mrs. Petersen died, she included Mr. Petersen.  [The Kidgell] family couldn't begin eating until the trays of hot food had been delivered."

This gracious example was carried into the next generation as shown in this newspaper article printed in 1965 about Fred C. Kidgell Jr.(first son and second child of Fred Sr. and Lily Jane) and Fred Jr.'s wife Luna (Skabelund.)   Dan Valentine's column 'Nothing Serious' was published for more than 30 years in the Salt Lake Tribune.

The Salt Lake Tribune  Wednesday Morning 24 March 1965

A double Valentine to two of the finest neighbors in Utah.
They are Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Kidgell of Logan Utah.
The Kidgells are neighbors to an elderly couple -- the wife has been an invalid for many years.  The husband is in his 80s.
And for many years, every Sunday of the year, Mr. and Mrs. Kidgell have prepared and delivered two trays of hot Sunday dinner....not now and then, not on special occasions---- but every Sunday over the years.
TRUE GOOD neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Kidgell 

Two days after Thanksgiving on 25 Nov 1939 Fred Cashmore Kidgell died. 
You will always be remembered.

More to come on the character of Fred and Lily Jane. 

Happy Thanksgiving!