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Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Next? Sell the Logan City Brewery?

First Street one block east of Main St.   
The Vogel house was very near the Brewery. 
   1898, the year of Herman's death Fred Kidgell had been married four years and had two small children. So, you can understand why he approached his step-father for wages owed him.  Fred was given empowerment of the business by Herman just before he was admitted to the hospital. [31 March 1898 newspaper article].  Fred continued to run the business until about 1902.  Fred's occupation on the 1900 Federal Census lists his occupation as "Brewery Owner".  [More information on the life of Fred Cashmore Kidgell coming soon] 

This next newspaper article tells me that;

  • Sarah Ann is still living in her house near the Brewery. 
  • She has a hired girl living with her.
  • She has a hired man living in the house.
  • And, I have no idea who the 'male members of the family would be. 

3 November 1898  The Logan Tri-Weekly Journal
     At a late hour on Monday night Mrs. Vogel, who resides on
 First Street, near the brewery, was awakened by the noise
of some one trying to raise the window of her room. 
The lady roused the hired girl who, upon hearing the 
noise herself, called to male members of the 
family, who slipped downstairs and outside in time
to see two individuals scurry down the path and out
 of the gate into the street. They were unable to overtake
them, however.  On Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock
a hired man employed by Mr. Fred Kidgell, 
and who stays at Mrs. Vogel's went into the 
brewery building and when he turned on the lights 
was astonished to see two men scamper off toward
the rear of the building.  He gave alarm and Marshal Farr
 was sent for, but the burglars had escaped through a rear window. 
 Nothing of value was taken, and the marauders were perhaps 
after beer, but the visitation of the previous evening at
Mrs. Vogel's residence rather casts doubt on that explanation. 

I'm sure this was a very scary happening in Sarah Ann's life. 
Nine months later Sarah Ann leaves the town of Logan. 
From the Kidgell Cashmore  Histories;
"On the 9 August 1899 Sarah Ann moves into the 16th Ward in Salt Lake City."
This Is when Sarah Ann moves in with her daughter Sarah Ann (Sadie) Kidgell Hepworth
and son-in-law James Hepworth.